Monday, March 23, 2009

SNOW! hint, It's NOT White!
OK, well then what color IS it? (trick question!)
That depends on the light in which you are looking at the snow! It could be blueISH or violetISH, it could be pink, orange or yellowISH! Often, it's kind of GREYISH, but never greenISH!
AND, it's ALWAYS a darker value than you think! Only the spots where the light (sun) is hitting it directly can be painted with what you might think of as white, which is probably a very pale yellowISH, pinkISH, orangeISH color!
Good Luck! Thanks, I'll need it!


  1. hi, I love your paintings, my dad and brother are artists here in Australia, and your talk of the colour of snow reminds me of Dad and his famous beach sand (white is never white!) though you say snow is never green, it could be if it was reflecting a neon sign, but you would never paint a neon sign because you paint such classic beauty.
    Thanks for sharing,
    xxx starry

  2. It sure "reads" as snow and the painting does draw you "into the woods." Nice.
